Houston Acne Specialists

Types of Acne Rosacea - Houston Acne Specialists

Written by Admin | Apr 16, 2024 12:53:03 PM

What is Acne Rosacea?

Subtype 1: Erythema – telangiectatic rosacea

Erythema – telangiectatic rosacea is characterized by intermittent flushing and persistent central facial redness. They erythema may be localized or be extensive on the cheeks, nose and forehead. The appearance of telangiectases is common but not a constant feature. Central facial edema, stinging and burning sensations, and roughness or scaling may also be found.

Subtype 2: Papulopustular rosacea

Rosacea may be associated with enlargement of the nose from excess tissue, a condition known as rhinophyma. This may include thickening of the skin and irregular surface nodules, which in rare cases may also develop in areas other than the nose.

Subtype 3: Enlargement of the Nose (Phymatous Rosacea)

Rosacea may be associated with enlargement of the nose from excess tissue, a condition known as rhinophyma. This may include thickening of the skin and irregular surface nodules, which in rare cases may also develop in areas

Subtype 4: Eye Irritation (Ocular Rosacea)

Rosacea affects the eyes in many patients, and may result in a watery or bloodshot appearance, irritation and burning or stinging. The eyelids may also become swollen, and styes are common.

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