Houston Acne Specialists

Redness from Acne Scars - Houston Acne Specialists

Written by Admin | Apr 17, 2024 9:06:18 AM

How to get rid of Red Acne Scars?

The red marks left over from acne are frustrating – it’s bad enough to have acne, but then to be left with the red marks left behind?  It’s just not fair.  What we tell our clients is that only time can fade the redness… and it does.  It takes a long time, but the redness will eventually go away. A client was tracked and pictures were taken along the way to show you that it actually does fade. She used Face Reality products to clear up her acne. Once her acne was under control, the redness faded.

Here are her pictures.

Picture #1 – Inflamed acne.

Picture #2 Six Weeks Later. Inflamed Acne under control, but red marks remain.

Picture #3 Four months after Picture #1 – Redness definitely on its way out.

Picture #4 – Ten months after Picture #1 – Redness gone!

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