Houston Acne Specialists

Best Acne Products - Houston Acne Specialists

Written by Admin | Apr 17, 2024 4:20:39 AM

Best Acne Products

What makes acne products effective? They need to:

  • Penetrate the inside of the pore – stopping acne where it starts.
  • Help to keep the pore clear of dead skin cells.
  • Kill bacteria inside the pore.
  • Be noncomedogenic (non pore-clogging) so as to not make your acne worse.

At Houston Acne Specialists we have found that acne products that include mandelic acid, vitamin A or benzoyl peroxide are the best acne products. But, it’s not enough to find and use products with these ingredients. You must also be sure that products with these ingredients are formulated properly so they penetrate the pore.

And, it is essential to know what ingredient is good for what type of acne you have; and how to use the products correctly. Even the best skin care products won’t clear your skin if they are not used in the right way. This is where we are different from other acne systems – we believe in coaching you in the right way to use products. We want you to succeed in getting and keeping clear skin!

By the time our clients come to see us, most of them have tried myriads of products. The acne products range from prescription products like retinoids, antibiotics and accutane to the over-the-counter acne remedies. While many of these products have some of what it takes to get your skin clear.

Why do acne products fail so miserably in getting it done?

  • 1Many have pore-clogging ingedients in them. For example, the cream form of Retin-A is very pore-clogging and should never be given to an acne patient. But sadly, this happens every day.
  • 2It takes a combination of the right products to affect acne. Just a retinoid by itself or a serum with salicylic in it is not enough.
  • 3Different ingredients in acne products are used for different kinds of acne.
  • 4Even companies that are attempting to customize regimens to account for different types of acne do not have strong enough products to get the job done.
  • 5And almost all companies do not take skin adaptation to products (skin getting used to products) into account. If you are not coached in how to adjust the frequency of product use, you will not get rid of your acne.

Allow an acne specialist to help you achieve clear skin quickly – they know what they are doing.

© Face Reality Acne Clinic